E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I would be remiss...

if I wrote a story about dressing up like soldiers...and didn't include a story about dressing up like "Bob," (which is short for Bob the Builder, of course!)
When Emmanuel was 2 and Reese was 4 months, Emmanuel was Bob the Builder for Halloween (Halloween 2010), and the building madness has continued ever since!  They have collected a ridiculous amount of tools and equipment over the years and their favorite thing to do is build with their daddy.  But, when daddy's at work...they have to settle for "building" with mom.  A couple of weeks ago, I aerated the lawn, and they ran to get their gear. 

A few days later we went to Home Depot for one of their building workshops, and it was one of my most fun moments as a mom.  It was such a well-thought out craft and event.  They provided all of the supplies, and it even included snacks for the kids (and coffee for the parents) and a certificate of completion when they finished!  We are true fans of the hands-on workshops (it also helped that the project was building firetrucks!)

 Yes, they are wearing their superman gear...capes and all...

These little builders are so much fun...and they LOVE to go, go, go!  I am grateful for every moment that I have with them...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

There she is...

I read this article about raising daughters...and one of the things that it mentioned is that when your daughter is a baby, you think she is the most beautiful baby in the world (this is probably true whether you have a baby boy or a baby girl...but the article was about baby girls)...

I must admit that I do agree with the article. 

I think Moriah Grace is the prettiest little girl in the world.  When she was itty, bitty, we would dance around singing "Isn't she lovely..." and I always call her "Pretty, Pretty" (which, by the way, I didn't realize I was doing this until Eli was like...um, are you calling her "pretty, pretty"?  Guilty as charged.  

Some nights I just look at her while she smiles at me, and I sing, "Could you be the most beautiful girl in the world?" 

And, well, my dear childhood friend, Kelly Marie Benda Earnheart, (who knows me better than most people) came to visit us and gave MG a shirt that read 'Future Miss America, Moriah.' 

Now, truth be told, I want all of my children to be pleased with their physical appearance...God has created them in His image, and they are beautiful... and I especially want my little girl to know that she is loved and that she is beautiful...and to hear that at home first, so that she won't look for some strange boy to tell her that about herself...but, ultimately, I want all of them to know that God looks at our hearts.  


It doesn't matter if they fit society's perception of beautiful...it doesn't matter if their mama thinks that they are the most beautiful of all time...God cares about their hearts.

So, my pretty, pretty...you are beautiful...you are of great worth and value...but not because of how you look...but because of whose you are....because of who holds you in the palm of his hand...

"Praise Him, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made...His works are wonderful...know that full well." (Psalm 139:14)..and let that truth affect your heart.

Where in the world is Eli Foster?

On the first day of Fall Break, where in the world was Eli Foster?
A.  Sleeping in until 8 in his nice, warm bed? 
B.  Waking up at 5AM to go fishing on Old Hickory Lake? 
C.  Playing video games while everyone else slept? 

Drumroll please...

Answer B!  Eli started his Fall Break off with a bang and went fishing with the beloved, Carl Bean...

A rare moment with Carl Bean and MG...and I actually had my camera to capture it! 

...I am coming to the conclusion that I am becoming a fisherman's wife...I better learn how to clean and gut fish real fast!  I love fish, and I am excited about eating it fresh...just not totally excited about gutting fish in my own kitchen...

I love our local butchers...and I guess it's time to finally pick their brains about gutting fish before my freezer becomes a little too full with Eli's catches...here we go!

Can anybody offer any fish gutting tips and techniques...I'm all ears...