I had it all planned out. I have a lot of firefighter accessories from his party when he was 2 years old. We play Fireman Sam almost everyday, we have a total of 5 working firemen hats (we've had more, but they are broken), firemen gear (gloves, mask), and firetrucks (I can't tell you how many firetrucks we own). Even Reese, who is 18 months old, says the word "firetruck" everytime he hears a siren. These boys love anything related to rescuing people.
So, I was quite surprised when Emmanuel said that he wanted to be a pirate for Halloween. He loves the show "Jake and the Neverland Pirates," and I am ok for him to watch it because Jake and his crew are good guys. But, Emmanuel was very clear that he wanted to be "Jake", Reese was "Cubby," I was to be "Izzy," and Eli was "Captain Hook."
Emmanuel loves his "Jake" costume and wore it several days for about 6 weeks leading up to Halloween. Before Halloween, we went trick or treating with the MOMS Club and we visited some local churches as a family....
First taste of cotton candy... |
For the both of them. |
It was a smart thing because the day before Halloween, Emmanuel was up all night with food poisoning. Everybody got it but Reese! So, on Halloween day, E and Reese dressed up in their pirate costumes, but instead of going door-to-door, they gave out the candy to our trick-or-treaters.
So, I was surprised that Emmanuel wanted to be a pirate...and I was surprised that we didn't actually go out trick-or-treating on Halloween. Although Halloween didn't work out exactly how I thought it would, it turned out to be a great celebration. We learned that our 3-year-old is obsessed with many things, not just being a firefighter, and we also learned that he handled the disappointment of not going trick-or-treating very well.
Every day, my babies amaze me and teach me more about love and more about grace.
And it was good for me that we didn't end up with pounds of candy in our house because I probably would have eaten the majority of it!
So glad to hear about your Fall! The pictures are precious. Wish I could hug your kiddos!!