that's me!
Hi, everyone, I'm Reese. Also known as Reesie Pooh, Baby Reese, and Eli's look-a-like. Since it was taking my mama a long time to update the blog, I figured that I would help her out a bit. Mama says that I'm so squishable. I'm only 7 weeks, but I don't think that's a word!
Here are some pictures of me from weeks 5 and 6 of my life.
Mama likes the pictures of James IV and me because she's amazed at how I "look" at him. I look at him like he reminds me of someone...I don't know who, but my mama says he looks a whole lot like my late granddaddy.
Mama doesn't want to forget that my little ankles went from really bony to chubby, so she keeps taking pictures of them. She keeps saying I'm growing so fast that she can't keep up with me.
And sometimes when it's just me and her, she will look at me and start crying. Then she mumbles something about how I'm her last child and she wants to cherish every moment.
Most of the time my big bro is pretty nice to me. He likes to read to me and hold me. He also talks to me in this language that he created himself. When he is tired, he doesn't want much to do with me. This drives mama crazy. He starts crying, then I start crying, and she runs back and forth. Poor lady.
For the most part, I'm a pretty content newborn. I do love to eat, and I spit up a lot. That's one thing that is really different from my big brother. He did not spit up much at all. I, however, should enter a newborn baby spitting up contest! I spit up on myself, mama's clothes, and my favorite is to spit up in mama's hair. It takes her forever to wash and retwist her when I spit up in her hair...she has to pray for extra grace.
There you have it, folks: an updated blog with pictures of me! I'll try to make sure to give mama a little more rest so that it doesn't take her so long to update the blog again, and Emmanuel and I will be a little sweeter and try to get on the same schedule in a few months...well, or's funny seeing mama run around crazy trying to keep up with the both of us!
Carmen, he is so adorable. So, so sweet. Thanks for sharing the pictures, and it's great to hear about how life is going with both boys. I am impressed!
ReplyDeletePrecious!!! He is so chubby! I love it! EG was a MAJOR spitter. I almost forgot what it was like to have a dry shirt on during that time!