E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Emmanuel...the rockstar!

Emmanuel LOVES music...and he especially LOVES the guitar (go figure, we move to Nashville, and the little one falls in love with guitars!) 

"Baby Reese" got Emmanuel a guitar for being the best big brother in the world.  Eli and Emmanuel opened the guitar when Reese came home from the hospital. 

After church on Sundays, Emmanuel and the other little ones run up front to bang on the drums. 

(He also preaches!)

Wherever there is music, Emmanuel will find it, listen to it, and start dancing. 

The Country Music Hall of Fame hosts a Petting Zoo for Instruments.  We have been to two of them...

We even got to take the two little cousins so that they could play instruments, too. 

And, we are starting Baby Reese out young...he was tired of all of the loud music in this picture...and made sure to tell us it was time to go home. 

Below is a video of Emmanuel practicing his guitar.  I guess it's a good thing that we live in a city where the stores, downtown, and even some parks are decorated with guitars.  E feels right at home! 


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. He and Jack would be best buds with their shared love of music. maybe they can start a band!!!!!!!
