Newborns sleep a lot.
But, somehow, this "two kids less than two years apart" life we have going on has left me pretty tired. I wish that I would have taken advantage of the time when Emmanuel was a newborn...I mean, had I known then what I know now...I would have savored every moment that he was asleep as a newborn. The "sleep when the baby sleeps" mentality when you have one child means absolutely nothing when you have two. Emmanuel takes one, two-hour nap everyday (well, most days)...and just about the time I go to put him down, Reese wakes up! So, we (the parents, I mean) are in a constant stake of wakefulness in this least for right now. And while my husband can sleep anytime, anyplace...I, unfortunately, cannot.

So, while Reese sleeps...

Emmanuel is usually finding something to get into...
And, most of the time, when Reese sleeps (yes, he is covering his eyes because he is THAT particular...don't know who he gets that characteristic from)...
Emmanuel is outside...doing something, anything....usually playing in the sandbox...
or pretending to cook, by taking my herbs (pictured behind the sandbox) and pretending to make me something...

He is adjusting as well as to be expected. One minute, he will kiss Reese...the next, he is trying to fit into his chair or his swing...or trying to get Reese out of it, so that he can get into it. He is definitely in his, "that's MINE" stage, and well, we have totally rocked his world by bringing a new baby into his space. We are adjusting...all of us. This has been hard for me to...I want to make sure that I am spending enough time with E...while also caring for Reese. The women who said that this "two less than two years apart" life was easy...were either 1. way better mamas than me, or 2. lying...I mean, really lying. **I would also like to note that this is hard even with a "super-involved, I love kids" type of dad like Eli.
We do realize that as the years go by, it will get least, that's what people keep telling us.
Thankfully, Reese enjoys his cousins. He seems to be most content when he is held by his eldest cousin, James IV. I guess when you are the oldest of 4 siblings and 3 first cousins, you learn how to comfort babies.
The cousins love their new baby. They wash their hands when they come in the house. They sit down and assume the position to hold Reese. thing that has made me fall in love with these kids even more is how much they have loved Emmanuel through this process. They are really good about giving him attention and time even when Reese is around.

And, what is more special than this. Emmanuel's birthday was July 2. Now, we had his firetruck party in June prior to Reese's birth (thank you, Jesus!), but early on July 2, I got a call from the cousins. They wanted to show E some extra special attention on his birthday: chocolate chip pancakes and many bowling pins later, we had one super excited little boy!

I think Emmanuel thinks he is really a part of their family. Whenever they come by, he walks out the door and gets in the car with them. I think he would live with Big James and Dawny D (his new names for James and Dawn) if they would let him. He loves hanging out with them.

Our pediatrician doesn't want us to take Reese out for 8 weeks...yes, you read that correctly 8 we've been spending lots of time working on Emmanuel's cooking skills at home.

He is an awesome sous chef, except when we are making one of his favorites because he will eat the ingredients after he chops them up!

He's got some mad knife skills for a toddler!

And besides sleeping, eating, and using the bathroom a lot...Reese is grunting so much that it almost sounds like he talks...and when we lay him on his tummy, he attempts to crawl. He has already flipped himself over twice. Anyone who has seen this says that "he has been here before." Which is code for, "he is making space for a little sibling." At this point, I usually look at them, laugh and tell them that we are finished. A woman should know her limits, and well, "two less than two" is definitely my limit.
I admire you, Carmen and Eli! I can't imagine having Naomi and a toddler right now. May you find your energy multiplied for the task!