E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our Adventures over the past month!

This last month has been quite busy for our little family.  I am so sorry that I haven't taken the time to update all of you about our adventures with Lil' E.  

Let's just say...he is quite adventurous, and he doesn't get it from his mama!  He loves to giggle and play games.  He makes up games with Eli all by himself...his favorite one is biting Eli's nose and then laughing his head off while he pulls away.  He really likes the water.  He LOVES being outside.  He LOVES going to the grocery store (especially Trader Joe's because they give you samples) and he likes screaming at people.  (Yes, he's loud...very loud--he might get that from his mama!)  He also LOVES to eat...these days he's eating blueberries, pinto beans, spinach quiche (I know, right)...it doesn't matter what it is, how spicy it is, how much garlic it has in it (again, mama's influence)....he loves to eat.  

Here he is below trying to escape! (Just an FYI--this blog is not in chronological order because of the way I uploaded the pictures...sorry!)

This is a picture from Mook's 8th grade graduation.  (Mook, his grandmother Ms. Mary, and Darnell)
Emmanuel loves this red vase/jar thingie that we have.  He likes to drop things into it, and he like rocking on it (he gets his rhythm from his mama).  But notice that he is approaching the outlets...this is where mama said, "no" like four times and received no response, then daddy said, "NO!" and Emmanuel cried.  My mom says that this kid has me wrapped around his finger...say it ain't so.  

Uncle Wil came to visit and help us out on our house.  Here is Emmanuel playing a "game."  

Okay, now they are posing for a real picture.  Wil says that Emmanuel is going to be running all over the place soon.  This kid does have boundless amounts of energy--not sure who he gets that from (lol!)

We go to the grocery store A LOT.  When Emmanuel was first born, I went to the g-store just to get out and walk around and peruse the sales.  Now, we have so much fun and all the cashiers know him by name!  It' great.  We discovered that he is finally tall enough to ride in this seat. He had the people in superfresh laughing so hard because he could barely see over the wheel. He was screaming out of excitement and beeping the horn.  It was great!  Trader Joe's has these mini-grocery store carts for kids...I guess we'll have to try those next week. 

Our friends from North Carolina, Davin and Won-Jung Hong, came to Baltimore with their two kids, Zoe (you might remember her from a video post earlier) and Daniel.  Emmanuel and I got to hang out with the Hongs and the Chens (Justin, Catherine, and Evie) at this nice Korean restaurant pretty close to our house. 

Here are Emmanuel and Evie--these two are hilarious!  Everytime they get together they just stare at each other.  It is the funniest thing!  I can't wait until they get older to show them all of their baby pics where they were staring at one another.  

Emmanuel really likes Won-Jung--she is a pretty amazing wife and mother.  I like her a lot, too.  He likes to touch noses.  and hair.  and ears.  another game courtesy of daddy.

Bauntie Michelle graduated from High School.  She will attend Temple University.  I had the privilege of attending her graduation, but didn't get any pictures with her there.  This is a picture of her at her graduation party.  She brought this shirt for Emmanuel from Sicily when she went in April.  It says something like, "Someone who loves me brought me this shirt from Sicily."  

And, of course, no blog post this long would be complete without a picture of Emmanuel's weekly playdate buddy, Bella.  

And my playdate buddy, Jamie.  I'm so blessed to have her here in Baltimore.  She is such a source of strength and support for me.  Emmanuel is very comfortable with Jamie.  She's a great wife and mother, too....and she's expecting her second baby already!  I know, right!  At this point if you are thinking...hmmm....I wonder when Carmen and Eli will have their second...I can answer that for you...not anytime soon :) 

Emmanuel is sporting the curls! 

This is at Priscilla's graduation from high school.  Priscilla will attend Mt. Holyoke.  This is a picture of she and her mom.  Emmanuel is wearing her school colors.  

The happy graduate! Priscilla had perfect attendance for her whole school career.  Amazing.

Darnell's graduation from high school.  He will attend Morgan State in the fall.  

Stanley, Eli, and Brian (who also graduated).  

Tavon better watch out--Lil' E is going to grab that phone! 

Got a great deal on this inflatable baby pool.  And, thanks Grammie Judy for the sun hat.  We couldn't keep it on long, but we tried. 

I just like this picture. 

Mona's basketball banquet.  She and her mom might as well be twins.  They love Emmanuel and bought him all the suits that you see in these pictures.  

Mona and Lil' E. 
Well, that's a wrap.  His 1st Birthday is next week, but we will probably wait a couple of weeks to have his party--due to all the traveling that people do for the 4th of July.  I've been working on this theme for a long time...I will reveal the theme and plans in a later post :)  My mom friends who have gone before me say that with boys I have a small window to plan these themed-parties...so I'm starting as soon as I can.  

Stay tuned for the party details, my friends. 

Thanks for reading.  

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