I know what you're thinking.
Really, when is she going to stop nursing that boy? He's almost a year old (on Thursday, July 2)...he eats whatever kind and type of food she puts in front of him (including kimchi). Why is she still nursing that boy?
Now, I know people judge moms on lots of different things. So, now it's time for you to pass judgment on me. I guess am one of "those" moms. You know, the kind who is going to nurse her child past his 1st birthday. I didn't start out like this. I was actually really terrified of nursing because EVERYBODY told me how hard it would be...that it would be the most painful thing I ever experienced (and those of you reading this know that pain and I do not get along)...that I would need a good lactation consultant...that I would not produce enough milk for him. I can tell you that we have definitely had our challenges this first year (namely sleeping issues), but nursing has been the least of our worries.
Emmanuel was born at 5:36AM...after they cleaned him up and handed him to me, he went straight for his food...and nursed for a long time. It didn't hurt. It wasn't hard. He latched on perfectly the first time. And that was it. The midwife said that I needed to make sure he ate "on demand" because he was so small when he was born...he had stopped growing in the womb and needed to gain weight and fast. So, that's what we did. On Demand. When we left the hospital, he had gained a significant amount of weight. On Demand Nursing was working to keep my baby healthy. But, it was so easy that I was worried that I was missing something. I went to a mom's group that was facilitated by a lactation consultant when he was 4 months old. She said that not only was Emmanuel getting enough milk...but that I actually produced A LOT of milk because he was getting full after only eating on one side (among other things). She said, "Great job!" and went on to someone else.
So, in the beginning we nursed everywhere...in the grocery store...at the park...in church...in restaurants...on the airplane...standing up...lying down...sitting up...it doesn't matter...we just nursed.
He has cut down his amount of nursing significantly...and can now go a long time without nursing, especially when he's playing all day. But, he still loves to nurse.
I must also add that my job has been wonderful by providing me with a place to pump and store milk...so we also have a freezer full of milk...just in case.
So, how long will this go on? Since he has had a few ear infections, I will probably try to nurse him for a little while longer. But, if he decides he doesn't want to nurse anymore...then, of course, we'll stop. There's no forcing this kid to eat!
I'm so thankful that Emmanuel is a good eater, and the fact that he nurses well is definitely a plus for me...but the one thing that I have learned this first year as somebody's mama is that you have to do what works best for your family. So, if that means feeding your baby formula or dressing your kid just in a onesie when he's out in public or giving your baby vitamins or letting your baby cry it out or letting your child wear a bunch of hand-me-downs or choosing not to feed your baby organic and whole wheat everything or God forbid if you had an epidural and didn't have a natural birth in the water with a doula that lasted 19 hours and 10 minutes...you have to do whatever works best for your family...for us, it looks like that is nursing Lil' E past a year and we are ok with that.
Happy early birthday, little nursing boy!
Evie also shows no signs of stopping--I will do my best to make it through August and after that, it will be up to her (hopefully she'll be down to 2-3 sessions per day by then!)