On Sunday morning, April 5, my mom called me and told me that my beloved granddaddy (dad's dad) had gone home to be with Jesus. Even as I write these words, my heart is heavy. I know that he is rejoicing in heaven...but I am sad that I won't get to hear his voice or hold his hands again.
My granddaddy was a man of great and simple faith. He loved Jesus so much, was faithful to his wife, and worked hard for his family. He was a simple man who left an extraordinary legacy for his children, his grandchildren, and his great-grandchildren. Even in the midst of the painful trial that Eli and I have been enduring, granddaddy's simple faith has sustained me. When I told him what was going on in our lives, he said, "Child, don't worry. God's in control of that." These are words of a man who trusted God even under the hand of great oppression. These are the words of a man who worked for 82 1/2 years. These are the words of a man who buried 4 children, 6 siblings, and his wife before God called him home. These are the words of a man who endured much more pain than I and who still trusted the Lord with his whole heart. My granddaddy was amazing.
Eli and I would visit granddaddy when we traveled to Tennessee, and we usually took him out to eat at his favorite restaurant in his town. When we were checking out one day, this lady came up to me. She said, "I heard you call that man 'granddaddy.' I just want you to know that he is the most respected man in the whole county." Psalm 1 talks about a man of God...it reads, "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."
I wrote something for his funeral on behalf of his grandkids. It was called "We Share His Hands." His hands represent his legacy to us. His hands represent the blessing of the generations. His hands held Emmanuel when he was 10 weeks old. His hands are our hands and they tell the story of his life and of future generations to come.
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