E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Emmanuel's First Bath in a "real" tub

My parents and I flew all the way to Tennessee to see my great-granddaddy off to Heaven.  And my mama packed me lots of my favorite things so that I could adjust to my "new environment," but she didn't pack my infant tub.  I thought to myself, "What's wrong with her?  Doesn't she want me to smell good for the funeral and for Easter Sunday?"  I chose not to discuss this with her because I could tell she was under a lot of stress.  I just went with the flow secretly hoping she would come up with a way for me to take a bath or two. 

Well, lo and behold!  Grandma's house had a tub that I could use!  This was my first time without the security of my infant tub, but I loved sitting up like a big boy.

Now, as you can see, I would rather eat the washcloth than to play with my bath toys...

Sometimes my mama takes the washcloth away from me so that she can use it to wash me (go figure!)

I usually get it back from her, though! 

All in all, I had a lot of fun in the grown-up tub, and I smelled so good afterwards.  I'm going to ask my mom to buy some of that shea butter baby wash, and I hope that the next time we fly to Tennessee that she forgets my infant tub :) 

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