E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finally, a picture of his 8 teeth!

Here they are!  All 8 of them!

What a whirlwind this last couple of weeks has been.  

Emmanuel is developing more rapidly than I could have ever imagined.  Besides being a lot heavier (not sure how heavy, I just know that my arms are feeling the burn when I hold him), he is very squirmy and desires nothing more than to practice walking.  We are still struggling over sleep issues, but he's healthy and happy, so I am not going to complain.  

Here is a picture of him "eating" my asparagus spear.  My friend, Catherine, would call this "baby-led weaning..." I am not sure if that is what he is doing, I just know that he stole it off my plate.  

Here is BIG MOOK and little e!  Mook is Davontay "Mook" Carr.  His family has become our family here in Baltimore.  They were one of the first families that we met and worked with in Pen Lucy. While we have had the opportunity to walk with them through some hard times, they have greatly ministered to us when we have experienced pain and have been a balm of healing.  We LOVE this family.  God's grace is so evident in their lives.  Mook is one of the sweetest (and tallest) kids you'll ever meet.  

Here is Emmanuel smiling at Chanel, his girlfriend!  I keep telling him that Chanelly-Nell is too old for him (she's about to turn 17).  Chanel and her family are also a source of strength for us here in B-more.  I met Chanel and her sister, Brittany many years ago when I moved to Baltimore and they participated in a dance program that I ran.  It was in God's plan for us to know one another on a more intimate level when we started worshiping at the same church.  Chanel and Brit graduate this summer...but they just live down the street, so we'll still see them all the time (and Brit's supposed to cook me some of her goooood food). 

Here is the little man smiling at Chanel, again.  

That's all for now, friends.  Thanks for reading and for praying for us!

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