My mom, my granny, my 3 nephews and my niece drove all the way from Nashville to spend some time with us.
Eli and I have experienced a hard time lately, so it was such a breath of fresh air to have the support of family (and a house full of loud and happy kids!) One thing that we have learned through this crisis is that support of our friends and family is a necessity in our lives. We are so thankful for the way that people have shown their love for us over these last couple of weeks (thanks for the crab soup, the truffles, the chocolate chip cookies, the turkey and dressing, the breakfast at Panera, the anointing oil, the offering to fly here, the invites to dinner, the random dropping by at our house while you're on a run, the prayers over the phone and from across the ocean, the shoulders to cry on...and did I mention thanks for the food?)
The older boys, James IV and Michael, have been looking forward to this trip to Baltimore for several years now. They like me ok, but the LOVE their Uncle Eli. (Yes, Eli shaved his head...we are grieving a terrible loss...)

They arrived late on Saturday night and slept....

We played a lot while they were here: football, soccer, and basketball. Even though I had to lead the football game (Uncle Eli was at the hospital with a friend), we still had fun. Here is James IV playing QB.

We played boys vs. girls! Mia had on a shirt that said, "Girls Rule," so I cheered, "Girls, rule...boys drool! Girls, rule...boys drool!" The boys (after some help from their Uncle Eli) came up with "Boys go to college to get more knowledge...Girls tattle tell and wind up in jail."

I thought my brother would be proud to see that his baby girl had decent form as she threw the football...must be the genes!

I think my mom is crazy for driving all the way up here with 4 kids under the age of 8...but she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

And...she reminded me that we had four generations in our house. My Granny Myrtle braved the trip with my mom. She is 77. James IV and Michael were trying to figure out how old Granny Myrt was...when they finally figured it out, Michael said, "Wow, you are almost 100. You just have two more families to go--the 80's then the 90's!"

The kids were acting silly with their Uncle Eli.

Emmanuel was wide-eyed when he saw all of the kids. I am glad that he was able to experience his shock in his own environment. He didn't want to stop playing with the kids. He went to bed later--but he slept longer than usual. This little man and his sleeping...maybe one day it will be consistent.

The kids were sooo good with Emmanuel. They helped me in so many ways.

We went to the Aquarium...the kids really enjoyed it, especially the dolphin show. This was my Granny Myrt's first time in an aquarium. It was special that she got to experience it.

And, finally, a picture of Joshua. Joshua was in heaven with Emmanuel. He was content as long as he was in close proximity to Emmanuel. He kept saying, "Manuel...Manuel." It was so special. He kept kissing his forehead. Joshua doesn't "like" me too much...he doesn't come to me very easily, but sure enough, he loves his Uncle Eli. Eli got out of the car, and he yelled, "ELI--ELI." Oh, well. Maybe James and Dawn will have to have another child so that I can see if that child likes me (hehe....)

Granny Myrt got top-rate service at the Aquarium. Eli pushed her around so that she wouldn't have to walk. Granny also went with me to my work on Monday and watched me teach an exercise class. It was special to introduce her to my boss.

Joshua and Emmanuel hanging out.

Emmanuel has started to pull up and cruise, so Michael was carefully making sure that he didn't fall.

My granny and I slept in the same bed while she was here, and every night it was like a sleepover. We would just talk and talk with the lights off until we were too tired to talk anymore! I said, "Granny, this is just like a sleepover." She said, "Child, I've never been to a sleepover." I said, "You have now!"

Michelle Zei, one of the youth from FCF, came over to visit the boys (she even brought friends). She talked to James IV on the phone two years ago and couldn't believe his country accent. It was nice that she was able to meet him in person.

Joshua was all up in Emmanuel's grill the whole time, and Emmanuel just smiled at him. I think they will be friends forever.
We also went to the National Great Blacks and Wax Museum. It was a great experience, although the story about the slave ship was a little scary for a couple of the kids.
My Granny listened to story after story about my house--I called her when it was broken into--I called her when people stole my flowers--I called her when we ran into problem after problem...I always dreamed that she would get to see my house, but I never thought it would be possible for her to make the trip. Well, God had other plans...not only did she make the trip to Baltimore, but she got to see my house, and she and my mom were such an encouragement to us to continue to press on and trust the Lord.