E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Walking with Baby Sister

The boys and I try to walk a couple of miles several days a week.

A few mornings ago, they asked if they could take their baby sister on a walk.  (We have two dolls that we are using as our "baby sister," one of them my mom actually made for me when I was a little girl.)  So, when they asked to take their baby sister, I said, "Well, sure, she always walks with us because she's in my tummy."  Reese said, "No!  I want to take this baby sister" (pointing to the doll).

And so, baby sister joined us for a walk that morning.

The craziness is beginning and she's not even here yet!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my how sweet!!! They will be AWESOME brothers and you and Eli are already great parents!!! Wishing you God's blessing!!
