E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Saturday, February 26, 2011

5:45 AM

I used to love the mornings.

For as long as I can remember, I've been a morning person.  Both of my parents were up every morning at 5AM (even on the weekends)...so all I've ever known is to wake up early...and to enjoy waking up early.  I married a non-morning person, so I was still able to keep my morning routine when I got married....wake up, spend time with the Lord, and workout...all by myself.

Choosing books for morning reading time

When I had just Emmanuel, he woke up around 6:30AM, so I was still able to get up before him and do my morning routine.  However, Reese's arrival in our lives and Eli's work responsibilities means that every person in our house is up by 5:45AM.  When Reese was little, I would wake up at 5AM, transfer him to the stroller (he was still sleeping) and go out for a walk.  But, as the weeks passed and the hours of missed sleep began to add up, I realized that for my health and my sanity, I could no longer wake up at 5AM.  Now I wake up when everybody else does, with absolutely no time to prepare for the day.

The days of enjoying my morning coffee solo...spending time with the Lord before the sun comes up...and walking by myself to the sound of the birds chirping in the morning...are long gone.  I do think that those days will return, but for now, there is no stillness in my house in the morning.  There is the hustle and bustle of trying to fix breakfast for everyone, ironing Eli's clothes, making sure Emmanuel goes to the potty and brushes his teeth, making sure we get our books in order to read that morning...and well, running to the coffee maker to enjoy a cup in the midst of all of the morning craziness.

Looking outside at big brother playing

It is different, but I am learning to appreciate the evening hours.  There is nothing better than a baby and a small child who smell good enough to eat, and my kids smell perfectly delicious after their bath at nighttime.

And, after they drift to sleep, my house is still.  It is quiet.  I can take my time...be with the Lord...and appreciate that we made it through another day.

Unfortunately I don't hear the birds chirp at night, but I am learning...slowly learning...to appreciate the music that crickets make.


  1. Beautiful post, Carmen. I hope those peaceful nights become a worthy alternative to those mornings . . . at least during this season of life.

  2. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I was just struggling yesterday with not being able to get up before my family. But, like yours, we are all up and crazy by 5:30. I can no longer get in my workout and quiet time early in the morning. But it is nice to know that there is another mom that has learned how to love that time in the evenings when the house is quiet. Love ya!
