They say that once you've had your first child and gotten out all of your neurotic tendencies...(you know those that I am talking about...washing every piece of clothing ahead of time...sterilizing every bottle...researching the most perfect place to buy fresh fruits and veggies to puree for their first tastes...babyproofing like crazy so that they don't have an accident)...well, I hear that after your first, you loosen up with the second. You don't worry as much. You introduce foods earlier. You don't care if they eat day old crumbs that your toddler (or older children) left on the floor. It's're a's the best time of your life.
Emmanuel convincing Reese to do something mischievous. |
Hmmm...I was definitely not included in these studies.
1. I find myself vacuuming every night because Reese is a mover and a shaker and will put ANYTHING IN HIS MOUTH! He has a ton of teething toys that he could put in his mouth...but his "toy" of choice is anything made of paper (hmmm...Emmanuel's books look good to eat), any plant (mom won't mind if I try a piece of her greenery), anything plastic (the plastic bags at the self-checkout line look if I just reach over the side of the grocery cart, I can get to them). My firstborn didn't really put anything in his mouth...but Reesie Pooh stuffs in any and everything.
Reesie showing his two teeth, which debuted on December 27, 2010. |
2. I meticulously separate Reese's clothes so that they can be washed in his special detergent. This doesn't sound like a big deal, but when you are so sleep-deprived and busy that you wash your brand new cell phone in the washing machine...separating the clothes is a huge deal. We just found out today that E has a mild case of eczema, I've decided to wash the whole family's clothes in fragrance-free detergent to make life a little easier.
Playtime before a bath! |
3. And the food...oh, mercy. I've written about Reese's food preferences before (savory over sweet)...but he has discovered picking up foods (and has pretty much mastered the pincer grip), so he picks up anything that anybody puts in front of him. Needless to say that he has almost choked a handful of times (I know he has to learn), but I find myself chopping his finger foods just a little smaller than chunky-sized...just in case.
I love this dirty little face! |
So, it's different...not easier...not less stressful...just a different experience.
The one thing that I have realized is my constant need for God's grace over myself and my children. My grandma Mae Ella, one of the wisest and strongest women I've ever known, had a saying written on her mirror. It read, "God, nothing is going to happen today that You and I can't handle." I remember reading that as a teenager and realizing that Yes, God truly is in control and He will take care of us. He equips us with what we need. He doesn't leave us hanging. Period. It's not fancy, complicated theology...It's a simple belief that God is sovereign and He's got it under control.
As my infant enters and masters the age of exploration, my toddler-almost-pre-schooler, is testing the limits...with potty-training, obeying adults the first time, throwing tantrums, saying "No!" and everything else you can imagine. I find myself exhausted and grace-less at the end of the day. I am constantly reminded that God's grace is new every morning...
...and as God pours out new mercies upon me... I need to follow suit with my own children.
He's already standing up in the crib....pushing up on the coffee table...and! |
Every day, new grace...every day, new mercy.