E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Blessed Christmas

We had an amazing Christmas.  My attempt to take a family picture was less than successful.  I ended up just getting random shots of us in our "Christmas gear." 

Random shot #1:  Reese asleep on Big E.  This was so absolutely precious that I couldn't resist.  Eli doesn't get a lot of time with Reese because of his work schedule, so having him home this last week has been a great joy for all of us.  

 Random shot #2:  Me and the babes

Random shot #3:  Reese going crazy!

Random shot (s) #4:  Emmanuel and Reese not paying attention to the camera.

We had a wonderful pre-Christmas and Christmas Eve Service.  We love our church...and there are not enough wonderful things that I can say about our Pastor and his family.  Emmanuel adores Pastor Jordan, and Pastor Jordan is so loving to him.  It is so important to me to have Godly male role models in both Emmanuel and Reese's life, so I am filled to the brim when I think of the great love that my son has for our Pastor.

Our First Lady is pretty amazing, too! 

We had two trees:  My Christmas tree, which has a theme and was color-coordinated and Emmanuel's personal tree...with ornaments that he decorated or made.  (We had a 1st Annual "Cousin's Ornament and Cookie-Making Party" last week...look for a blogpost on that when I can get the pics from someone!)

I know that most moms have a tree that is lovingly decorated with each of their kid's homemade ornaments...but honestly, I am not quite ready to give up my color-coordinated themed tree just yet..  Maybe next year we will have two big trees!

After Christmas Eve Service, we came home and I told Emmanuel that tomorrow we would celebrate Christmas and say "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.  He then replied, "Happy Birthday, Jesus.  I love you, Jesus."  My heart almost melted.

We had some special guests at our Christmas morning celebration:

Chef Bobby Flay came dressed in a blue apron and blue chef's hat.

He even whipped up a chicken drumstick that Reese immediately put in his mouth. 

An expert fireman came to put together Emmanuel's brand new wooden firetruck.

And, Woody, the cowboy from Toy Story, made an extra-special appearance that made a curly-haired little boy ecstatic. 

We could not have asked for a better, more peaceful Christmas.  Even the food at Christmas Dinner (at my sister-in-laws house) was some of the best I've tasted (and there was no turkey or ham on the menu, thank God!)

Eli also blessed me more than I could have asked for by creating for me an amazing gift in memory of my dad.  It is a gift that I will forever cherish.  I will write more about this in a later blogspot if my heart can handle it.

We are so thankful for Jesus and his gift to us.  We do not deserve His mercy, but He continually pours it out upon us.  Oh, Lord...it is my heart's desire that both Emmanuel and Reese would crave you...that they would hunger and thirst for Your righteousness...that they would rejoice in the true meaning of Christmas both now and forevermore.

Rejoice! Rejoice!  Emmanuel has come to thee, O Israel!

1 comment:

  1. Love your heart, dear friend. So thankful you had a peaceful and fun Christmas!!! Can't wait to see you in person!!!
