E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Monday, October 18, 2010


In the last 5 days, I have witnessed my toddler throw up more violently then ever before...then trip and cut his head on a brick fireplace...then endure the Emergency Room where they "swaddled him" so that he could get 5 stitches...and most recently, throw up again for several hours until there was absolutely nothing left inside of him.

Poor baby.

Emmanuel is recovering slowly.  As it turns out, he has a double ear infection and possibly another virus (hence, all of the throw-up), but he always gives 100%, so even when he is sick, he goes at full-speed and doesn't slow down unless we make him rest.

We are emotionally and mentally drained.  I was just beginning to process what it was like to see blood pouring out of my baby's head...when he woke up last night and began throwing up...and just when we thought he might be finished, he would throw up some more.

Pray for us.  This stage of parenting, coupled with where we are in our personal lives (new job, night classes, new baby...who is teething by the way, and semi-new place) is a test of endurance and survival.  It is not a measure of skill nor intelligence...It is simply about enduring and being faithful.

Lord, please help us to endure and remain faithful to the call.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you freind. I look from the outside at the road you have been called to walk and see how incredibly tough it is. You are a precious gem and I am sure this time is stripping you to the core. I love you friend and I am praying for endurance, strength, and trust.
