E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Friday, June 11, 2010

It ain't bedrest, but....

I was told to "take it easy."  No exercise.  Drink more fluids than I could ever imagine.  No stress. After what was a very stressful week last week, I went to my prenatal appointment and my fluid was low (which is not a good thing, especially when you already have babies on the smaller side). I was hooked up to the fetal monitor to make sure Reese's Pieces was doing well...and praise God he is...but I was told to "take it easy"--no uneccesary stuff, no uneccesary stress.  At my next appointment, they will measure my fluid again and see if I should be induced.  

I am hoping that I stay pregnant for a few more weeks (gasp!)  I know this comes as a surprise, but I am loving the time with just Emmanuel and me.  I realize that this will be the last few days or weeks that we will have together before we add our Reese's Pieces to the mix of things. I am trying to make every moment with him count...and I am enjoying every minute! 

Thanks for your prayers.  Please continue to pray that Baby Reese is healthy.  


  1. This could be some great snuggle time for you and Emmanuel! Reese will fit right into your little family and you will think he has always been there. Oh and think of the fun your kids are going to have together!!
    Praying for you and your precious family!

  2. Yes, take it easy, Carmen. And enjoy your time with little Emmanuel. We are here praying for your health and the health of Reese.

    Much, much love,
