Our Christmas this year was a little chaotic...it was a lot of traveling...a lot of family...and one busy toddler. (Christmas plans definitely have to be flexible when you have small children.)

This is one of our many "family pics" where Emmanuel is not looking at the camera. For those of you who got our Christmas card, you saw that instead of choosing "the perfect family photo," we chose to highlight four pictures that were not so perfect...

Our Christmas celebrations started on Nov. 28 (my birthday) when we took all of the nephews and niece to chop down a live Christmas tree. This is a tradition that Eli and I started our first year of marriage and one that we hope to continue for a while.

The kids had a great time, and the weather was perfect (not like the frigid temps that we are experiencing now in Middle Tennessee.)

Mia and Joshua posed for a picture...

while Michael and James helped Eli chop down the tree.

And, well, after we cut down the tree, we saw the above sign. LOL.

Let me just say that I love a good Christmas tree, but I am not a huge fan of all of the Christmas commercialization. I don't like to buy Christmas gifts. I don't like Santa Claus. I don't like how all of the unnecessary hoopla takes away from Jesus and his birth. I also don't want Emmanuel to grow up thinking that Christmas is for him and about his gifts...it is my heart's desire that he recognize the one true gift of Christmas. (Can you tell that this is a bit of an issue for me?)
Anyway, Emmanuel thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with his cousins on Christmas morning.

Emmanuel with Mia and Joshua on Christmas morning.

Playing with Joshua's new basketball game.

Joshua...always smiling! He's a happy kid.

Emmanuel with his safety goggles on about to use his new Craftsman "saw."

Eli helping Emmanuel put on his safety goggles.

Emmanuel playing with cousins, Kaylee and Ryan, in Atlanta. Emmanuel just adored Ryan, and Ryan was really sweet with him.

While the adults and other children were playing the family game in Atlanta (at Eli's extended family's dinner), Emmanuel decided that he would explore up Aunt Dianne's steps...and up more steps...and into all of her rooms upstairs. My pregnant behind got a great workout that night.

Post-Christmas...and we are back at home...no more tree...no more gifts...no more ham, turkey, or casseroles (thank God!)

It's a new year...

but...Emmanuel says that tools are still his favorite in 2010...

well, that and being silly.
Happy New Year.
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