Nashville got a few inches of snow this past weeked (4 inches to be exact in my area), and the people here were going crazy. School was canceled at 6:30PM the night before the snow was supposed to start. When I woke up on Friday morning, there was no sight of snow anywhere.
But, by the time the afternoon rolled around, the snow was steadily flowing. At first, I didn't think much of it--I mean, come on, I lived in Baltimore for almost 7 years and survived a snowstorm that totaled more than 2 feet of snow; and this was the first two weeks that I lived there...alone. So, I casually thought to myself, this is no big deal. It's a few inches....they will clean it up...and then we can get on with our weekend plans.
Well, let's just say they don't clean up snow in Tennessee like they do in Baltimore. Hence, it is Sunday and the snow is still on all of the roads. Some of the interstates are ok, but things are pretty much shut down. (I'm starting to think it is a little irresponsible of the city government to keep the roads like this.) This is different from Baltimore...very different.
Emmanuel loves being outdoors, and I even got up the nerve to waddle my pregnant self outdoors with him. These pictures were taken when there was just a little bit of snow on the ground outside of our apartment. He kept saying, "Snow...snow..."

As a special treat on Friday night, we got to hang out with Pastor Wy, Emmanuel's Godfather, who was passing through Nashville on his way back home. It was so refreshing to see him and to spend time with him. We love Wy and Shirley--and we are so thankful for them in our lives. If it weren't for Baltimore, we may have never met them. Isn't it amazing that God knows exactly what we need when we need it.