I just want to say Happy Mother's Day to some women who are really special in my life!
First, I'd like to give a shout-out to my great-granny Myrt! You are THE COOLEST great-granny I know. I don't know any great-granny who would travel over 16 hours in the car with 4 kids under the age of 8 just to come and spend some time with me. You have set the bar a little high for my regular grandmas...but it's ok if they can't compete...we all know old-school beats new school any day! I love you, great-granny Myrt.
I also want to give a shout-out to my grammie Judy. You are always buying me books and toys and things...and you raised my dad, so you get extra sprinkles on whatever dessert you choose--I know that was some hard work!
And...here she is...my mama! This picture was taken today after church, and we are all wearing purple (my baby vest is purple). So, if that gives you any indication on what kind of mama I have...she matches our clothes...she makes my baby food...she always has extra cheerios for me...she sings to me and holds me tight...she even cleans my smelly poop (that's really not up her alley)...she prays for me...she wears me in a baby sling...she doesn't miss a beat, even though she hasn't slept in several months.
Mama, I love you...I thank God that you are my mama. I know sometimes you don't think you do a good job with me...but let me tell you a little secret...motherhood is not about perfection...it is about trusting God to raise me in a way that honors him...so when I put mashed potatoes in your hair or pee in your face...it's ok...that's just how I'm showing my love and finding my way. I love you!
You are one fabulous, hip, and lovely mama!