I know it seems like I've just been hanging around these last few weeks...

But, the reality is that my mama and daddy have kept me so busy. We had flights scheduled to go to Nashville to celebrate my Granny E's 60th Birthday, but all of sudden, I felt really hot to my mama (who panicked!) As it turns out, I had my very first fever. Mama postponed the flight, took me to the pediatrician (those receptionist ladies oohed and ahhed over me), and she said that I had a double ear infection.
Well, this news set my mama off. All she kept saying was, "But, he nurses ALL the time! Everytime he sees me, he wants to nurse....I thought breastfed babies weren't supposed to get sick...and a double ear infection...you've got to be kidding me." Well, eventually, daddy calmed mama down...and even though the pediatrician said that it was ok to fly...mama wasn't so sure...so we waited a couple of days.
We finally got down to Nashville...and had just enough time to take Granny out to eat. It was such a fast visit that mama didn't even get to see her siblings.
After visiting Nash-vegas, we drove to Chatt-town. My Uncle Wil was graduating from college and my cousin Melanie was turning 50. I was scheduled to meet a lot of family that I had never seen before. Here I am at Melanie's 50th Birthday Party with my Grammie Judy.

My dad got to spend some time with his childhood buddies who also had babies last summer. I am the oldest...and the shortest...but mama says that's ok because I've got swag....she says that I turn it on every morning or something like that!
Here I am with my cousins, Brody and Kaylee...I just played and played with them. This is our "rockstar" pose.
So, while I was in Tennessee, I got worse, and ended up missing Uncle Wil's graduation and graduation party because I was in the emergency room (and you know my mama, being in the ER in Chatt-town did NOT make her happy!) I did get to congratulate Uncle Wil the day after.

We ended up driving back to Baltimore--it is supposed to be a 10 1/2 hour drive from Chatt-town, but with me...it was more like 16 hours. Mama and daddy stopped at Applebee's to eat some dinner...unfortunately for my mama they brought her mashed potatoes instead of a baked potato...but as you can see, I LOVED them! yummy, yummy! I got mashed potatoes everywhere...on my face...on my clothes...in my mama's hair. It was awesome!

My mama and I went to this tot lot with our friends. I had a lot of fun...even though mama used most of her wipes cleaning off all the toys. Mrs. Jamie used a lot of her wipes, too. I guess those toys must have been dirty...but we had fun!

Dad and I still take naps together sometimes. Mama can't believe how short my arms are...she says that they are a lot like my dads.

Bella and I are hanging out a lot these days. We both really like playing on the slides.

We saw my Bauntie Michelle off to her Senior Prom. Mama says she should be on ANTM. Mama also said that she should have dressed a little nicer to stand next to Michelle that night. Michelle is my Bauntie--my Baltimore aunite. She just visited her family in Sicily, and she brought me back a shirt that says "someone from Sicily loves me."

My parents and their friends also took Ms. Brooke out to dinner because she just graduated with her MSW. These are the same girls who ran in the race with mama a few weeks ago.
So, it has been a busy couple of weeks. Mama said that if she had to do it over again, that we probably wouldn't have made the trip to Tennessee. For some reason, she doesn't seem to like it when I'm sick and thinks that traveling all that way couldn't have made it any better. She said it's called "a mama's intuition," and that she should trust it more. I don't know what that is, so I just smile when she talks about it.
These days, I'm THISCLOSE to walking...standing for about 10 seconds and falling on my bottom. I've also said "mama mama mama" a lot lately...I'm also really silly and laugh out loud a lot when I'm comfortable.
Well, folks....until next time. Thanks for reading about my adventures!