E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Friday, January 2, 2009

6 Months Old...First Time Eating Solids!

Happy 6th Month Birthday, Emmanuel! 

Well, today officially marks Emmanuel's 1/2 year birthday.  I can't believe it has been 6 months already.  

We agreed that we would wait until Emmanuel was 6 months old to start him on solid foods...so today was his lucky day!  We started him on Earth's Best Organic Brown Rice Cereal.  I  really wanted to start with something more tasty like sweet potatoes, but rice cereal can be a base for lots of veggie and fruit mix-ins and it is pretty low on the allergy scale.  

Here is Emmanuel with some of the rice cereal on his lips. 

It became evident to us that he enjoyed biting the spoon (because he is teething) more than actually tasting the food! 

Here is Emmanuel trying to take the spoon out of my hand. 
Here he is waiting for the right time to grab the spoon from me. 

Well, it was an adventure--we weren't that successful in the actual "eating" area, but we had lots of fun!  

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