When people found out that we were taking Emmanuel to DC to see the inauguration of Barack Obama, many thought we had lost our minds. "You're not going to be able to see anything...won't it be too cold for him...why would you put your infant through that?" We were committed to having Emmanuel experience history so that he can better understand his identity as a black man in America. Many years from now when both Eli and I are long gone from this place, Emmanuel will be able to tell his grandchildren, "I was there when the first Black President was sworn in."
It was an amazing experience to be among millions of people who were excited about our country and our new President. I have never experienced so much enthusiasm for a president. I know that statistics show that other presidents have been popular...but what other presidents have people wear their name on skull caps and scarfs...it was obama mania! People came from all over...Chicago, Tennessee, California. This one lady said, "We don't have tickets or anything, but we just wanted to be here to experience this."
We are praying for our new President--for his leadership in his home, for his relationship with his wife, for quality time with his kids, and his wisdom in running the country. In my granddaddy's words, "Child, we just have to pray that he doesn't waver from God...that he remains true."
Below is a picture of Lil' E all bundled up.

Obama was sworn in around 12 noon...this was the picture of the Washington Monument around 10 AM.

I loved watching Michelle Obama (on the jumbotron) while Barack took his oath of office. She looked like she was so proud of him. (By the way...the jumbotrons were awesome!)

Pic of our new President...

Pic of people dispersing after Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States.

The people behind us.

More people!

Yes, I nursed in the midst of millions of people and in 25 degree weather.

More people.

Walking through the crowd.

Smiling Emmanuel...

The people never ended!!!

More Barack...I didn't get a picture of Rick Warren, but I did appreciate his prayer before the ceremony.

Can you believe all of the people?

We had a blast. It was a long, hard day...both of our biceps hurt from carrying our little man for most of the day...and our car got towed...but we enjoyed the adventure...there is always an adventure in our house.