Emmanuel is 8 weeks old this week! His week consisted of getting his first round of shots (harder for me than for him), going to a Baby Shower where he was the guest of honor, wearing an outfit to match his daddy, and helping his mom get in some much-needed strength training!
Thanks to Lilia for this great red outfit and to Aunt Peggy for the socks that match.

The women at my work (there is only one man on staff...no wait, two) threw us a fabulous post-baby Baby Shower! There was great food and conversation and LOTS of love given to Emmanuel. I think he was only in his seat for a total of 10 minutes because he was being passed around by all of the women. It was so nice to have our HopeWell Cancer Support family shower Emmanuel with so much love. Below (from left to right) is my boss, Carole--she is wonderful to me...a true gift from God. She has been a social worker for several years and loves me like I'm family. She teaches me so much about our profession and we have endless conversations about life. I am so thankful to work with and for her. In Carole I have found a friend for life. Carleen is the Assistant Executive Director and she is the most organized person that I know. We go to her with all of our problems and she fixes them almost instantaneously. Patti is our Program Assistant and she is FABULOUS! She dresses like she's getting paid by Vogue. We have a lot of fun at HopeWell. Emmanuel is sleeping...and I'm pretty sure that Carleen has some special touch because he was knocked out and holding on for dear life.

Eli and Emmanuel dressed like twins the day of the shower. One of my favorite past times is to coordinate our outfits on Sunday for church. Now that Emmanuel is here...it's all about the boy and his daddy! Lil' E was pretty exhausted in this picture...but we managed to get the squinty eye look instead of having his eyes completely closed.

Ok--this is one of my FAVORITE outfits. Thanks to my mom for her great sense of cuteness. There are even teddy bear booties to match. He's worn this one plenty of times, but I needed to get a picture of it before he outgrows it!

Emmanuel weighed in a 5 pounds 9 ounces when he was born. At his 8 week visit, he weighed a whopping 9 pounds 13 ounces! In the evenings before he goes to sleep, he has a fussy period. I have figured out that if I hold him while I do squats, lunges, and inner thigh work that he will drift right to sleep in my arms. So, it works out for both of us. He goes to sleep, and I get to exercise with (almost) 10 pounds of weight. Below is a picture of him after one of our workouts.

And...on the sleep note...Emmanuel slept for 4 hours straight last night! Hooray--that is definitely a victory! Until next week...
Carmen you are the woman. you are already working out after just having a baby? Reminds me how you would get up and have a QT, eat breakfast, go to work, and work out-all before I rolled out of bed at 7:30. You amaze me! Lil E is so cute! Love the pic of him with El!
ReplyDeleteCarmen, you are hilarious!!!!! How in the world did you find out that you could do squats, lunges, and inner thigh workouts to quiet a fussy baby?!?!?! LOL. You are my hero!
ReplyDeleteI love this blog, and I had to show it to my apartment neighbors who are getting married in two weeks. They saw your magnet on my fridge, and I couldn't help but show them the new arrival. I think it's official now. Emmanuel is THE most adorable kid on the planet. He *literally* took their breath away. Even the hubby-to-be said (w/ no prompting from the wife) -- Awwwww, he is beautiful!!!!
Anywho, I'm praying for you and your lovely fam. Also, praying about that situation you emailed us about. God is your faithful defense and strong tower. I know He will work things out for you! Love you bunches!!! I will try to call you before classes start.