E and R smiling

E and R smiling

Thursday, December 27, 2012

5 friends every SAHM needs

I am obviously writing this from my stage in life as a stay-at-home-mom, but I believe that these same types of friends transfer to whatever stage women find themselves in...just use the opposite "name or title"  depending upon what stage you are in.

1.  The "You've Been There Since Wayyyyyyy Back"  Friend: 
This is your homegirl.  She knew you in middle school when your favorite food was meat lover's pizza and now that you're 30-something she still eats out with you even though you're a vegan.  She was there when your heart was first broken.  She was at your dance recitals, your school plays, and your track meets.  Your parents love her and know her well.  You double-dated to prom.  She was in your wedding.  You were in hers.  She was one of the first people you called when you found out you were pregnant.  She was one of the first people you called when you found out your dad had a terminal illness.  She's your go-to-girl...your very best friend...the girl that you loved as a child and the woman and mom you have grown to admire.

2.  The "Single" Friend: 
This is your friend whose lifestage is completely different from yours.  She doesn't have a husband (or a man), she doesn't have children, she jet-sets off to Paris, Italy, and Cabo at the drop of a hat.  She has amazing stories about impacting the lives of other people.  She is active in her church and the community.  She picks your brain about marriage and raising a family.  You pray with her for contentment.  She shows you the latest trends.  She loves your kids and becomes their "Auntie."

3.  The "Couple Friend":  
This is a love relationship between you, your friend, her husband, your husband, and y'alls kids.  You can get together at the spur of the moment and it's ok if you have your crew in tow.  Your kids ask to have playdates, and the parents are secretly planning to have an arranged marriage to keep the families together.  This is a couple with whom you would willingly go on vacation.  This couple will be in your life forever, well, I guess until the children actually do date and break each other's hearts.

4.  The "Younger Woman/Older Woman" Friend: 
This is the friendship with the younger woman that you mentor.  She looks up to you.  Your kids love her like a big sister.  She shares prayer requests with you.  The older woman is a woman that you admire.  She's your mentor.  She always offers you words of encouragement and challenges you to be better.  You look up to her.

5.  The "SAHM" Friend:
This friend is in the same life stage as you.  She has kids that are around the same age as yours.  You call her or text her (all the time) and ask about anything from the color of your son's poop to borrowing a cup of milk (because it's 6AM and there is not a drop of milk in your house!)  She is in the trenches with you.  She encourages you.  She does not judge you when you discipline your child.  She has seen you at your worst with bananas in your hair and spit up on your jeans.  And, let's face it, she's probably never seen you at your best because that's a different friend!  Your husbands don't know each other, but you're totally ok with that because the relationship is not about them...it's about you.  It's about having someone in the same stage to empathize and to lean on when times are amazing and when they are less than amazing. You need her.

These are definitely the types of friends that I know that I need.  What about you?  Who would add or take away from on this list?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Chef's Tasting

MG started eating solid food last week.  The boys are super excited that she will be eating actual food that they can potentially feed her...she, however, is not too impressed with this chef's offerings.

Moriah Grace's Tasting Menu 
Chef:  Carmen Reese Foster (a.k.a. "Mom")
Prix Fixe:  $3 per person

First Taste: 
Smashed Bananas 

Second Taste: 
Butternut Squash Cubes with an Apple-Mango Puree 

Third Taste: 
Chicken and Sweet Potato Boats with Broccoli 

Fourth Taste: 
Black Beans with Avocado and Cheese 

Final Taste: 
Strawberry Princess Cake with Royal Whipped Icing 

Please accept the inclusion of a gratuity of 20% to parties of 5 or more persons. 

Enjoy your meal! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's beginning to smell a lot like....Christmas!

Bye, Bye, Thankgiving...
These cute little turkeys are from one of Giada's recipes.  They were so fun! 

Hello, Christmas!

 After we've cut down our tree, then we enter into the season of sharing gifts with friends and baking, baking, baking!  Reese's system does not agree with icing, so we tried "icing" the cookies with melted chocolate this year.

The boys colored our Advent Calendar (and put the treats inside)!

More baking...(Rachel, Julia, and Kelly Marie...do you see your Christmas cards on our pantry door?)

After the dough chilled overnight, we rolled it out the next morning (EA...check out your card!)

Picking out their shapes!

After they baked (and Eli ate almost all of them)...we let them cool, and then it was time to try decorating...we used another icing to see how it would agree with little man's system!

We've got a gingerbread house to complete later this week!  EA, if you are reading, I really wish that you lived down the street (and not 14 hours away) so that our kids could get together and the Fosters and Huffmans could have a gingerbread housemaking competition...doesn't that sound awesome?  Somehow I think Eli and Andy would get out of it...and Jack and my boys would be jumping off furniture...while you, EG, and I made both houses...does that sound about right?  

We hope that all of your homes are filled with good-smelling Christmas treats, and if anybody wants to invite us over to bake cookies, cupcakes, or chocolate-covered peppermint crushed pretzels...we will take you up on it (assuming that we are healthy).  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Where has the time gone?

Moriah Grace is 6 months old.

(This is where I swallow the lump in my throat because I cannot believe that pretty, pretty is halfway to a year.)

People always told me that :it goes by so fast..." and I do believe that...what they didn't tell me was that with each child one adds, the time goes by exponentially faster.  I remember when Emmanuel was little, and I couldn't wait until he was 6 months old...he would start to eat!  He would begin to talk! He would sit up, then crawl, then walk, then run!  It seemed like every little thing took an eternity.

With Reese, my second, the first 6 months were a bit of a blur because I was having such difficulty adjusting to two very small children and their very different needs.  At the same time, Eli started a new career and we had just moved into a new house...it was a time of huge transition.

And now, with MG..."blur" doesn't even begin to describe how quickly this time has passed.  With three small children, there is so much to manage, so many behaviors to teach and correct...so much to do in a very short span of 24 hours. And. let's not mention, the meals to make, the laundry to wash and fold, the playgroups to attend, the bathrooms to clean, the diapers to change, the sheets to change (when there are accidents in the bed), the (small amount of ) consulting work to be done.  And somehow, life just continues to go...even if all the work does not get done, life continues to happen.  I wanted so desperately for things to happen with Emmanuel...and now he is four.  Wow...I have a four-year-old, and next year he will be in kindergarten...where does the time go?

I am grateful for the moments that I have to share with my children...even in all the chaos (and, oh, yes, there is lots of chaos!). my daily prayer is that God would give me the abilities to savor each and every stage...(even potty-training) because they days are long...but these sweet years are so short.

Here is a quick look back at our little gem over the last couple of months!

4 month stats:  13 pounds, 22 1/4 inches long (yes, I know...many newborns are this length...lol!)  6 month stats:  15.6 pounds, 24 inches long...we are finally on the charts for length (in the fifth percentile!)

Below are pictures of MG after she got her ears pierced by our pediatrician!

She loves to pull on their hair, and for the most part, they let her do whatever she wants.  

Learning to sit up unattended. 

She's quite a different baby from that 4 pounds 9 ounce little preemie that we held in our little hands.  I am so grateful to the Lord that He added her to our family.  Every day truly is a new adventure. I just hope I can hang on for the ride!

These Two Boys and a little girl!

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