We've lived in Nashville for almost 9 months, and Emmanuel and I went to Centennial Park for the first time last weekend. Now, this may not sound like a big deal because there are a TON of parks in Nashville...I mean, seriously, for a metropolitan area, one would be surprised at how much green space there is in this city. But, Centennial Park is to Nashville what Central Park is to New York City. It's "THE PARK"--you have to go.
We finally made it (even though I forgot my camera), and Emmanuel LOVED it. He fed the ducks and created a show for all of the people because he would start clapping and jumping up and down when the ducks ate his bread. He fed the greedy squirrels some leftover peanuts that we had, made friends with the high school graduates, listened to a group play their guitars (because it's Nashville and every time we go to a park there is a group playing their guitars), and chased every pigeon at the park. We had a blast!

Centennial Park--we will visit you again...many times!