Toddlers change everyday. Everyday there is a new word...a new sign (Emmanuel also does sign language)...a new dance move...a new fun "thing"--it is amazing to watch him grow.
Well, my firstborn son truly ministered to me the other night...he ministered to me in such a powerful way that it was the focus of my quiet time for the next two was a simple observation that gave me new perspective about was a new thing for him...and an awesome reminder for me....
We've been working on letter recognition and pictures. Well, for the letter "M," I use a picture of the moon. And after teaching it to him for a few days, we went outside at night time, and he pointed to the sky and said, "Moon." But after he said it, he wouldn't move. He kept pointing at the moon...waving at the moon...blowing kisses to the moon. I had to pick him up to get him to the van, and he started crying and said, "My moon, my moon."
This truly ministered to me. I take the moon for granted everyday. I see it most everyday and go on about my business. I don't stop to praise God for the moon. I don't stop to admire its beauty. I don't take the time to observe its purpose. I just know that it is there.
My son stopped. He observed. He admired. He was taken aback by its beauty. I like to think it was his way of thanking God for his beautiful creation.
Our God created the whole universe...He is the God of all creation...He takes time and cares about everything He created and loves...His creation is beautiful...and while He created the moon and the stars and planets, etc...
He also created me...he takes time and cares about me...even when things on the surface do not work out how I would expect, Emmanuel reminded me that God cares about me...and takes care of me...I am His beautiful creation.
Now when we read McBratney's "Guess How Much I Love You," I pause a little longer on the last page, and I really think about what it says, "I love you right up to the moon--and back."