Last week, a lot of strange things happened in my life. First, my mom dressed me up as an elephant...second, people kept giving me candy, and mom actually let me EAT some of the candy! (I told you--strange things!)

My parents took me to the local grocery store and there were lots of other kids in crazy costumes, too. Most of the girls were fairies and most of the boys were spiderman. As you can see, I thoroughly enjoyed the lollipop that my mom let me eat as we were leaving the store.
We headed over to my cousins' neighborhood, and mom said that we were going to get MORE CANDY. At first I wanted to remind her that there was an awful lot of sugar in candy that she doesn't really like for me to eat...but then my instincts told me just to be quiet and consider it a blessing!

After we went to the first two houses and the nice people gave us candy, I realized that this was the luckiest day of my life. I didn't have to beg or plead or anything...they were just smiling at me and handing me candy.
My older cousins were walking faster than me...but I did not care...I was determined to walk the WHOLE WAY and to greet every neighbor so that I could get my candy!

At one house, my very thoughtful oldest cousin, James IV, said, "Here Emmanuel--I got the candy for you." Although he meant well, I wanted to do it myself. My mom says that I'm very independent and a bit strong-willed. I'm not sure what those big words mean...but I walked right passed JIV....
and crawled up the steps to the that I could get my own candy. The lady at the door was just a laughing!

All in all, it was a fun night with my cousins...and see...mama EVEN let me eat another lollipop!