This day began like any other...I was curled up next to my dad in the bed.

I noticed that my mom laid out a special onesie that she made for said something about me being a one year old, but I still wasn't sure what all the hoopla was about.
The back of it had my date of birth. I asked my parents what "EST" meant, and my mom said "Established." She said that she did that because she thought it was cool. I just looked at her like she was crazy.

All week, I've been getting cards in the mail from my parent's friends. I even had some people drop by some gifts just for me. I started thinking that being a one year old seemed pretty cool. My mom's friend, Mrs. Denise, got me this cool truck. It's soft and the perfect size for toddlers.

Mrs. Denise is pictured below with us. She also baked me some blueberry muffins. They were yummy.

My mom and dad sang me this weird song called Happy Birthday, and then they did a huge "no, no"--they lit a candle and left it burning in the room. They were smiling and really excited, but I was plain confused. They placed the candle on top of this mountain of dark shiny-ness (they called it a double chocolate cake), and then they blew it out.
Mom said that the cake was made with love--even though she didn't decorate it that pretty. She said something about it being made from scratch and being three tiers but that her buttercream icing was a little too thin so it didn't spread well. I just looked at her and wondered when I could get a fork and dig in. I didn't care if it was that pretty.
They said I could take a in "typical Emmanuel fashion," I waited for them to hand me my utensils (I don't like to eat with my fingers when I can use utensils--my mama says it's because I think I'm grown.)

Yum, this chocolate cake thing tasted good. I went back for seconds!

I tried to scoot closer to the cake, and I accidentally got some on my foot.

My genius parents (they really are smart most of the time--book smart at least--they've even got degrees and awards and stuff to back it up--but sometimes their elevator stops when they get excited, especially my mom's)...anyway, they realized that maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to feed me on top of the island, so then they gave me a slice in my high chair.

I wonder if they will give me some more if I eat all of said something about not really ever wanting to make a cake and the icing from scratch again because of the amount of butter and chocolate that she used. I can tell you one thing: I don't care how much butter or chocolate she uses just as long as she makes this again and again!

She said that in a couple of weeks I will have a party with my family in Tennessee...and she's going to make me a chocolate cake in the shape of a CAR! (Cars are my absolute favorite). Go figure--I get another one of these cakes just for being a one year old--next time the icing will be green.
I also got to try out my new car seat today. I'll be forward-facing from now on--just like the grown-ups.

We stopped at a restaurant for lunch (dad said something about having a gift card), and I got to try out citrus fruits--they were yummy, too! You aren't supposed to have citrus until you are a one year today was my lucky day--citrus and chocolate! Yipee! I want to be a one year old for the rest of my life!
Here was my fruit sampler--oranges, kiwi, strawberries, and grapes. I really liked all the food I had today!
We went for a walk by the waterway. And I did lots of walking (and falling down), but I walked the most I have since I started "walking" 6 weeks ago.

We posed for a family picture by the water. My parents try to do things on the cheap (as if you didn't know), so this is the equivalent to a "professional" picture. The lady taking the picture didn't have all of those "making-the-baby-smile skills" that they have at expensive places like picture people, but mom says that that's ok.
And, here are my doting parents, yet again. They said that turning one was a huge deal and that they had made memories with me over this last year that were just the beginning. I told them to stop all of the sappy talking and to make me some more cake...please.

And, in typical mom fashion, when we got home from Annapolis, my mama gave me some more chocolate cake...and this time she served it with ice cream and a grown-up spoon.
Yum, yum Happy Birthday to me.