EA is also really tall (she says she only like 5'8" or something, but I think she's pushing 5'10")...as you can see, baby Jack takes after his mom--he is just about Emmanuel's height...but he's 5 months younger!!! Emmanuel may be short, but he's feisty (and chubby--look at that tummy!)
How two little guys and one sweet baby girl have changed our whole world...
E and R smiling
Friday, February 27, 2009
We love Erin-Ashley!
I had the great pleasure of hanging out with my sweet friend, Erin-Ashley and her new baby, Jack on Tuesday. EA and her husband came back to the US to have baby Jack (her #2), and she was so sweet to travel all the way to Baltimore (6 hours from WVA) to see me and Emmanuel. I love, love, love me some EA--she is fun and full of passion for Jesus. She is also a devoted and prayerful mom to Emma Grace and baby Jack. I am so thankful that our friendship has lasted many years and great distance. She is a great encouragement to me, and I am humbled by her love for those who don't know Jesus. 
EA also attended our High School Girls' Bible Study! I was so thankful that the high school girls got to meet her and hear her talk about Christ. What a blessing she was to our group.
Thanks, EA and baby Jack for coming all the way to B-more to visit us. We love you so much :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wooden Spoon...a Bowl...the Remote Control?
Emmanuel has the choice of many toys.
He has borrowed toys and hand-me-down toys and brand new toys...as a matter of fact, I am sick of toys! They all sing the same songs...and some even vibrate and do silly dances...who really needs this stuff? I've been asking myself that question for quite a while now. I don't ever remember having this many toys...and the songs...

At least at this point in his life, Emmanuel has made it clear that he would rather pull my hair (it does sort of feel like ropes) than play with a mobile...he would rather bang a wooden kitchen spoon than shake a rattle...he would rather chew on the remote control than his stuffed monkey or bear or elephant. And he loves playing with mixing bowls...especially when we fill them with "stuff" that he can pull out, investigate, and then eventually eat.
(Emmanuel and my brother are in the last picture on James' recent visit to Bmore. Emmanuel really loves his Uncle James...well, he loves to reach for him and grab his face and smile at him and talk to him...it was really sweet and unexpected because of his recent stranger anxiety.)
The Life of a Cheerio....
My mama really wants me to try Cheerios. (She is also mourning because I won't have a southern accent growing up in Baltimore...so she wants me to call her "mama" and say "yes, ma'am" and stuff!)
Now all the books say that I'm not supposed to eat Cheerios until I have a pincer grasp down and until I can crawl correctly (with my stomach up off the floor). Well, I have perfected the army crawl--you know when you slide with your belly on the ground--and I sort of understand the pincer grasp...but let's face it...I'm not going to get it down if I don't practice.
This is my contemplative look. I looked at my mama like this when she discussed this matter with me.
Here goes nothing...she helped me put the first one in my mouth. (But of course, I tried it myself...I'm an independent kind of guy!)
I tried using my new canine to chew on it. (The other three teeth are swollen up top, and mama is starting to see the whites of the teeth break through.)
I decided that I like these Cheerios. I hope she keeps getting those coupons.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My Personal Chef...
Emmanuel has a personal chef.
His personal chef prepares every meal to his liking and even feeds it to him! And, Emmanuel can't really talk yet (except do the sign for "milk"), so the chef has the awesome task of understanding his grunts and babbles as "more," "stop," "ugh," etc. It must be nice to have this type of service.
The chef has introduced a variety of foods, including the following:
Prunes (please note that the chef did not make the prunes...they were bought on sale and with a coupon that doubled at Superfresh!) It is also important to note that Emmanuel loves prunes, but the chef doesn't love changing his diapers after he has eaten a lot of prunes...so now prunes are reserved for special occasions!
Sweet Potatoes (pictured here is a frozen sweet potato)...at first Emmanuel did not like the chef's sweet potatoes, but now he loves them. The chef read that you are supposed to try a food 8-10 times before counting it out...
Below is a picture of carrots. The chef scored points with carrots.
And the food that receives the best reviews: Butternut Squash with a touch of cinnamon. Yummy yummy!
The chef has also introduced bananas, avocado, green beans, and cheerios. Bananas, avocados, and cheerios get a thumbs up...we are still working on those green beans!
When Emmanuel really likes the food (seen here eating prunes), he grabs the bowl and spoon and tries to feed himself.

Eating is definitely an adventure in our house. The personal chef is having fun coming up with food ideas for the little guy.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Our visit from Grammie Judy!
Emmanuel's Grammie Judy came to visit him for a few days in early February. She came bearing lots of toys and books!
Monday, February 9, 2009
We are under the weather :(
Hi, friends!
Sorry it has been a little while since we've written. This is a short note to let you know that we are sick, and we would appreciate your prayers. Both Emmanuel and I have a cold, and he is getting three more teeth...so we are also getting very little sleep. Please pray for our speedy recoveries.
I am finding it difficult to keep up with my regular pace while being sick. Eli has been a great help, but I would love to kick this cough and congestion.
I will post more later when we are feeling a little better in the Foster house!
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