My friend, Courtney, let me borrow her baby's Exersaucer. Emmanuel has really started to love it. Thanks, Courtney!

Earlier I wrote about my friend, Jamie, and her baby, Bella. We had a playdate a while ago at Panera. Well, let me tell you this amazing story...
After Eli finished running his 7 miles in the Baltimore Marathon Team Relay, we walked passed this lady with this cute baby. I stopped to talk to her and we introduced our babies...
Well, a week later, I was in this yoga class for moms and their babies (it was free!), and the lady from the marathon walked in with her baby.
Well, then Jamie sent me pictures of Bella and her friend, Stephanos, at a pumpkin patch, and lo and was the same baby and lady that I had run into twice! I immediately called Jamie, and it turns out that they were the natural thing to do was to all get together!
So, now Jamie, Shirille, and I get together once a week with our babies for a playdate, Bible study, and prayer. We encourage one another in the Word. It is so much fun! Emmanuel is the youngest kid in the bunch, but he holds his on! Since he is the youngest, I also get to pick their brains about the latest toys and milestones. We are all learning together!
Below are the kids: Stephanos (9 1/2 months), Emmanuel (4 months), Bella (8 months on the 14th), and Roan (6 months--he is the neighbor's little boy, Jamie watches him).

Emmanuel is also starting to sit on his own a bit--he falls over pretty fast...but we are getting there. We need to get there soon because Emmanuel has started to escape the bumbo (that is the baby seat he is sitting in). I will put him in it, then he arches his back to get out of it!
Eli's birthday is tomorrow...I'll be sure to post pictures. Love you all!